“Unique tombs and fascinating mummies discovered in Egypt: delve into the hidden history of al-Bahnasa”

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“Unique tombs and fascinating mummies discovered in Egypt: delve into the hidden history of al-Bahnasa”

The recent discovery of a Spanish archaeological mission in Egypt caused a sensation. Researchers from the University of Barcelona and the Institute of the Ancient Near East have unearthed tombs dating from the Ptolemaic and Roman eras, as well as mummies from the Roman era, in the al-Bahnasa archaeological zone , located in the governorate of Minya.

According to the secretary general of the Supreme Council of Antiquities, Mostafa Waziri, these tombs represent a new form of burial, consisting of a hole dug in the natural rock of the ground. A special feature of this site are the unique terracotta statues representing the goddess Isis-Aphrodite, wearing a crown of flowers on her head. These statues bear witness to the many secrets and funerary methods present in this site, characteristic of different eras.

The head of the Central Administration of Antiquities of Middle Egypt, Adel Okasha, also revealed that the mission discovered fragments of papyrus hidden in a clay seal, as well as a large number of mummies wrapped in wrappings. colorful, some of which were covered with golden and colorful funerary masks.

Additionally, gold tongues were found in the mouths of two of the mummies, a ritual known from Roman times in Bahnasa, aimed at preserving the deceased.

The tombs consist of a stone shaft which ends in a door closed with mud bricks, leading to a large space inside which a group of empty coffins were discovered, while others contained mummies covered with colorful cardboard.

Okasha pointed out that 23 mummies were found outside the coffins, while four human-shaped coffins contained two mummies as well as small votive perfume bottles.

The term “terracotta” refers to statues made from fired clay, which appeared in Egypt in the late period, under the influence of Greek civilization.

This industry began in Egypt in the 6th century BCE, under the leadership of the Greeks, and its center was in the city of Naucratis (present-day Abu Qir region) in the Nile Delta.

The terracotta statues from the town of Fayoum and dating from the Greco-Roman era were made by hand or using molds.

The ends of these statues were often made separately, then assembled and attached to the main part.

This archaeological discovery offers a fascinating insight into the richness and diversity of ancient Egypt. It allows us to better understand the funerary rituals and beliefs of the time, as well as the influences of Greek civilization on Egyptian art and culture. A true treasure that transports us to the past and amazes us with its beauty and historical significance.

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