The general state of forests in the Democratic Republic of Congo: for sustainable management and the preservation of biodiversity

Home Ecology The general state of forests in the Democratic Republic of Congo: for sustainable management and the preservation of biodiversity

The general state of forests in the Democratic Republic of Congo: for sustainable management and the preservation of biodiversity

From January 18 to 22, 2024, the government of the Democratic Republic of Congo is organizing the meetings of the States General of Forests. This initiative aims to formulate recommendations to improve forest governance and strengthen the contribution of the forest sector to the national economy, as well as to the fight against poverty and the harmful effects of climate change.

Under the theme “The forests of the Democratic Republic of Congo, the new locomotive of its sustainable development and planetary balance”, the participants will focus on several areas of discussion. Forest governance will be at the heart of the debates, with the aim of establishing effective mechanisms for managing forest resources.

Forestry exploitation will also be addressed, with a reflection on the good practices to adopt to guarantee responsible and sustainable use of resources. Forest conservation will be another crucial topic, highlighting the importance of protecting forest ecosystems and the biodiversity that resides there.

Forestry transversality, which aims to integrate the forestry dimension into sectoral policies, will also be discussed. This involves encouraging a transversal and coordinated approach to better take into account issues linked to forests in different sectors such as agriculture, energy, and land use planning.

Transparency and traceability of timber will be central themes in the debates, with the aim of eliminating illegal logging and illicit trade in timber. In addition, the application of the forest law will be examined in order to strengthen control and sanction systems.

Finally, taxation and parafiscal taxation of wood will be discussed, with the aim of finding a balance between economic interests and the preservation of forest resources. This will involve establishing taxation and royalty mechanisms that promote the protection of forests while ensuring a fair contribution from players in the sector.

The meetings of the States General of Forests of the Democratic Republic of Congo will offer a valuable opportunity to reflect collectively on sustainable forest management. By promoting a balanced approach between economic exploitation and preservation of biodiversity, these meetings will help ensure a better future for Congolese forests and the environmental balance of the planet.

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