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“Lutumba Simaro: Tribute to a giant of Congolese music”

March 30, 2019-2024 marks the fifth anniversary of the death of Congolese artist Lutumba Simaro, an exceptional artist whose musical legacy remains indelible. Leader of the Bana OK group, his poetic compositions have marked the history of Congolese music. Beyond his talent, he was recognized for his humility. His repatriation to Kinshasa prompted a final tribute, highlighting his profound impact on Congolese culture. On this Memorial Day, it is important to remember the exceptional art and personality of this great artist.


Broken Heart Syndrome: When emotions impact heart health

Broken Heart Syndrome, or Takotsubo cardiomyopathy, is an emotional condition caused by intense stress that can mimic a heart attack. Symptoms include chest pain, difficulty breathing and palpitations. Treatment aims to relieve symptoms, with most patients recovering within a few weeks. When experiencing emotional distress, it is crucial to seek support. Taking care of yourself and expressing your emotions healthily can help manage emotional stress.


“Gynecomastia: Understanding, Preventing and Overcoming ‘Man Boobs’ in Men”

Gynecomastia, often taboo among men, can impact mental health and lifestyle. Its causes include hormonal imbalances, obesity, consumption of harmful substances. Preventing gynecomastia requires a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet and exercise. If gynecomastia is present, consulting a health professional is recommended to consider appropriate treatments. By understanding the causes and taking preventive measures, it is possible to better manage gynecomastia and regain self-confidence.


Triumphant recovery of Dr Jean Paul Divengi Nzambi: A victory for medical transparency

Doctor Jean Paul Divengi Nzambi has been reinstated in his role as medical director of the general reference hospital after a period of suspension. His reinstatement follows convincing explanations provided during the disciplinary action. This decision, hailed as positive for the medical establishment, highlights the importance of rigor and transparency in medical practice. This recovery helps restore confidence in healthcare personnel and ensure better quality of patient care.

Tribute to Doctor Miaka Mia Bilenge Constantin: An emblematic figure of health in the DRC

Tribute to Doctor Miaka Mia Bilenge Constantin: An emblematic figure of health in the DRC

Doctor Miaka Mia Bilenge Constantin, an emblematic figure of health in the DRC, made history with his commitment to the fight against trypanosomiasis. His medical career and political role make him an example of dedication and leadership. His legacy lives on through his work and publications, inspiring numerous researchers. His dedication, his rigor and his kindness continue to mark those who had the chance to meet him, encouraging us to continue improving public health in the DRC in tribute to this great man of Congolese medicine.

“Dr. Miaka Mia Bilenge Constantin: An unforgettable figure in health in the DRC”

“Dr. Miaka Mia Bilenge Constantin: An unforgettable figure in health in the DRC”

Doctor Miaka Mia Bilenge Constantin, an emblematic figure of health in the Democratic Republic of Congo, left his mark on the history of public health through his dedication and expertise. A specialist in the fight against trypanosomiasis and communicable childhood diseases, he left an indelible legacy by implementing effective preventive measures. His political commitment and international collaborations have made him an essential reference in the field of health. Today, his influence endures, inspiring future generations to work toward a healthier world.

“Historic transition at the ERC Congo: Resignation of Archbishop Dodo Kamba marks a new departure for the association of Churches of Awakening”

“Historic transition at the ERC Congo: Resignation of Archbishop Dodo Kamba marks a new departure for the association of Churches of Awakening”

The resignation of Archbishop Dodo Kamba from the presidency of the association of Awakening Churches in Congo marks an important turning point in the history of the organization. His decision aims to promote unity and peace within the Church, emphasizing the importance of internal cohesion. This transition comes after internal tensions and offers a chance for renewal for the ERC. Dodo Kamba's resignation paves the way for a new era for the association, highlighting the importance of consolidation and refocusing on its spiritual and social objectives.


“The importance of continuing teacher training in the transition to the LMD system in the Democratic Republic of Congo”

The adoption of the LMD system in higher education in the DRC raises important reflections. The ISIGE of Kindu organized a conference on new methods of evaluating teachers and learners. The need for continuing training for teachers and standardization of course content was highlighted. Participants made a commitment to improve their assessment methods to adapt to the requirements of the LMD system. This conference highlights the importance of constant development in the field of higher education in the DRC.

“The Berlin Conference of 1884-1885: The scars of colonial partition in Africa”

“The Berlin Conference of 1884-1885: The scars of colonial partition in Africa”

The article highlights the devastating impact of the Berlin Conference of 1884-1885 on African colonization. This meeting led to the exploitation of resources and domination of African territories by European powers, leaving deep scars in the continent. The tragic consequences of colonialism, such as the genocide of the Congolese, still persist today. It is urgent to recognize the mistakes of the past and work towards a more just and united future for Africa, based on mutual respect and cooperation.