Kakwangura prison in Butembo: Humanitarian emergency and call for solidarity

Home Legal Kakwangura prison in Butembo: Humanitarian emergency and call for solidarity

In the heart of Butembo city in North Kivu province, the grim reality of Kakwangura urban prison unfolds, serving as a stark reminder of the urgent need for action. The prison witnessed the tragic deaths of five inmates in the last week of March 2024, bringing the total number of deaths to twenty-three since the beginning of the year. The Butembo Human Rights Network (REDHO) reported these alarming figures, shedding light on the inhumane conditions and management deficiencies within the facility.

REDHO’s coordinator, Muhindo Wasivinywa, attributed the tragic situation to overcrowding, lack of food, and poor sanitation, emphasizing the urgent need for intervention. The call to action directed at local authorities, religious leaders, and community figures resonates as a humanitarian emergency that demands immediate attention.

The Congolese state is urged to address the crisis at Kakwangura prison promptly, prioritizing the protection of detainees’ rights and improving detention conditions. Judicial authorities are called upon to expedite the processing of defendants’ files to prevent prolonged and unjustified detention periods.

Despite efforts by Radio Okapi to seek reactions from prison authorities, their silence underscores the pressing need for collective awareness and coordinated efforts to end the ongoing tragedy at Butembo’s urban prison. It is a pivotal moment to advocate for human rights, demand justice for the lives lost, and prevent further suffering behind the prison walls.

External Source on the Same Subject: Media Congo Article

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