Water crisis in Goma: a call for urgent action

Home Ecology Water crisis in Goma: a call for urgent action

**Fatshimetrie: The water crisis in Goma, an urgent situation requiring lasting solutions**

The water crisis in Goma has become a hot topic that cannot be ignored. The water distribution authority (REGIDESO) in North Kivu recently launched an appeal for help to deal with serious disruptions in the supply of drinking water in the city. For almost two weeks, almost all of Goma’s neighborhoods have suffered from water shortages, endangering the health and well-being of residents.

The Director of REGIDESO/North Kivu, David Angoyo, stressed the need for an envelope of 3.6 million dollars for a lasting solution to this pressing problem. REGIDESO subscribers are therefore impatiently awaiting intervention from the DRC government or financial partners to resolve this humanitarian crisis.

On the ground, the situation is alarming. The inhabitants of Goma find themselves roaming the streets with yellow cans in search of drinking water. Some have to travel long distances to collect water from Lake Kivu, while others rely on transporter services to obtain supplies. Home delivery people, for their part, take advantage of the situation by selling water during times of crisis.

The technical problem at the origin of this crisis lies in the frequent interruptions in the pumping of treated water from Mount Goma to the Bushara reservoirs. Leaks on the network caused by burst pipes further complicate REGIDESO’s task of ensuring regular water distribution.

To end this water crisis in Goma, it is imperative to invest in the renewal of the distribution network. This will ensure a stable supply of drinking water for residents of the city and surrounding areas.

In conclusion, the water crisis in Goma requires urgent action and sustainable measures to ensure adequate access to drinking water for all. It is time for authorities and relevant partners to act quickly to resolve this vital challenge that threatens the local population.

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