“Rehabilitation of UNIKIN residences: Modernized student accommodation for better comfort and well-being of students”

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Rehabilitation of UNIKIN homes: modernized student accommodation to promote student well-being

The University of Kinshasa (UNIKIN) recently experienced an important event for the student community. Indeed, during a ceremony chaired by the rector of the university, the official launch of the renovated student accommodation was celebrated. This rehabilitation work was carried out thanks to the personal initiative of the Head of State Félix Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo.

Professor Jean-Marie Kayembe, rector of UNIKIN, underlined the importance of this launching ceremony, which aims to offer students decent accommodation in these renovated homes. He also insisted on the measures to be taken to ensure sanitation, maintenance and the creation of catering spaces. The objective is also to promote the employability, initiatives and entrepreneurship of students.

This symbolic ceremony, which took place the day before the swearing-in of re-elected President Félix Tshisekedi, is an opportunity to salute the rehabilitation work carried out to international standards within UNIKIN. Professor Bruno Lapika, administrative secretary general of the university, and Jacques Mabaya, general director of the company MEMA Groupe, which managed this work, expressed their pride and their commitment to maintaining and maintaining these 14 homes, now renovated.

The housing project, called “Ndaku na Campa”, was designed taking into account the concerns of the beneficiary students. The latter had to pay a deposit of more than 200 dollars to be able to access these new accommodations. Professor Lapika and Mr. Mabaya called on all students and the university community to commit collectively to the success of this project.

This rehabilitation of UNIKIN homes constitutes a significant step forward in improving the living conditions of students and promoting their development. Thanks to these modernized accommodations, the university offers students an environment conducive to study and community life. This also helps to strengthen the image of UNIKIN as a quality higher education institution, focused on the future and the well-being of its students.

Source of the article: [article link](https://fatshimetrie.org/blog/2024/01/21/rehabilitation-des-homes-de-lunikin-des-logements-etudiants-modernises-pour- promote-the-well-being-of-students/)

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