Vital Kamerhe is committed to transparency and parliamentary control in the DRC

Home Politics Vital Kamerhe is committed to transparency and parliamentary control in the DRC

The recent statements made by Vital Kamerhe during his speech before being elected to the USN have sparked considerable interest among political observers and citizens. Kamerhe, an elected official from Bukavu city, emphasized his dedication to restoring the reputation of the National Assembly and enhancing parliamentary oversight. He highlighted the need for closer collaboration between the National Assembly, the General Inspectorate of Finance (IGF), and the Court of Auditors to strengthen transparency and accountability within the government.

During his speech, Kamerhe underscored the crucial role of deputies in scrutinizing government activities, noting the frequent absence of certain ministers during parliamentary sessions, which he deemed unacceptable. He pledged to regularly summon government officials to ensure they fulfill their duties effectively.

Additionally, Kamerhe stressed the significance of fostering collaboration between the National Assembly, the IGF, and the Court of Auditors, commending the IGF’s efforts in revenue mobilization and endorsing the advancement of the general financial patrol during Félix Tshisekedi’s second term.

This commitment to bolster parliamentary oversight and institutional cooperation represents a significant stride towards modernizing and enhancing transparency in the state administration of the Democratic Republic of Congo. It signals a collective recognition of the importance of combating corruption and ensuring prudent management of public finances.

In conclusion, Kamerhe’s pledges during his speech reflect a desire for reform and integrity within the Congolese political system. Should these actions be implemented, they could help instill trust in the country’s institutions among its citizens and foster sustainable economic and social progress.

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