The major challenges of the telecommunications sector in Nigeria

Home Economy The major challenges of the telecommunications sector in Nigeria

The telecommunications sector in Nigeria is currently facing significant challenges, with the Association of Authorized Telecommunications Operators of Nigeria (ALTON) and the Association of Telecommunications Companies of Nigeria (ATCON) jointly addressing the pressing issues. The two associations, representing Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) and telecommunications companies, are urging the government to establish a framework that ensures both consumer accessibility and operators’ financial viability.

Operators have raised concerns about the current pricing mechanism, which they feel is out of touch with economic realities and could jeopardize the industry’s sustainability, affecting investor confidence. Despite economic pressures, the telecommunications industry has not adjusted its general service pricing framework in over a decade due to regulatory constraints.

It is essential for the government to engage in a constructive dialogue with industry stakeholders to tackle pricing challenges and create a balanced framework that considers consumer affordability and operators’ financial health. The operators are calling for decisive action from the government to address the multifaceted challenges facing the telecommunications industry.

Emphasizing regulatory independence, the associations are advocating for a regulatory landscape that upholds independence to prevent undue influence and maintain the integrity of the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC). This neutrality and independence are crucial to fostering a thriving telecommunications sector and building confidence for investments.

Collaborative efforts between the public and private sectors are urgently needed to overcome obstacles hindering industry growth, including increasing taxes, regulatory burdens, high Right of Way (RoW) charges, inconsistent electricity supply, and vandalism of telecommunications infrastructure.

The associations are pushing for legislation that designates telecommunications infrastructures as National Critical Infrastructures (ICN) to enhance their security against growing threats. Attacks on vital assets like cell towers and fiber optic cables disrupt services and lead to significant financial losses for operators.

In closing, the associations reaffirm the commitment of operators to work with the government in addressing the challenges facing Nigeria’s telecommunications industry. Concrete measures are crucial to ensuring the security of telecommunications infrastructures, attracting investments, and guaranteeing continued access to essential services for citizens.

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