Pascal Lokolo: A New Political Figure Emerges in the Heart of Maï-Ndombe

Home Politics Pascal Lokolo: A New Political Figure Emerges in the Heart of Maï-Ndombe

In the heart of the Maï-Ndombe province, a rising political figure is making waves, embodying the hopes and dreams of an entire community. Pascal Lokolo, the recently elected provincial deputy of the Oshwe territory, has been chosen to lead the deliberative body of the region. Securing 12 out of 18 votes, his mandate is strong and promising for the province.

Accompanying Lokolo, a strong team has been assembled to support this new era of governance. David Bisaka, the MLA-elect for Kwamouth, has been elected Deputy Speaker after a tie-breaking vote, showcasing equal competence and mutual trust. The roles of Rapporteur and Deputy Rapporteur have also been confidently filled by Mpia Bokona and Kester Monkese, respectively, indicating broad support for their positions and a united front towards common goals.

Additionally, the election of Lucien Kempile as Quaestor, with 11 out of 18 votes, underscores the strategic importance of this role in managing the province’s resources efficiently.

The new leadership, spearheaded by Pascal Lokolo and his team, promises rejuvenation and an ambitious vision for Maï-Ndombe. Despite numerous challenges, the expertise and determination demonstrated by these elected officials offer a hopeful outlook for community development and prosperity. Their dedication to transparent, effective, and collaborative governance signals a positive trajectory for the province’s future.

In conclusion, Pascal Lokolo’s appointment as president of the deliberative body in Maï-Ndombe heralds a fresh chapter, where competence, dedication, and cooperation will drive political endeavors in the interest of the community. It is imperative that these leaders rise to the occasion, surmount the obstacles ahead, and usher in a new era of progress for the entire province.

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