A legal victory for freedom: the Guy-Hervé Kam affair in Ouagadougou

Home Legal A legal victory for freedom: the Guy-Hervé Kam affair in Ouagadougou

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The twists and turns of Burkinabe justice have once again come to light in the Guy-Hervé Kam affair. After a lengthy legal battle, the Administrative Court of Appeal of Ouagadougou finally upheld the request for the release of this activist and co-founder of Citizen Balai. This decision was eagerly awaited and celebrated by numerous human rights defenders and dedicated citizens.

The arrest of Guy-Hervé Kam at Ouagadougou airport on January 24 by plainclothes men sparked outrage and mobilization. Accused of “attempting to endanger state security,” the justifications presented by the state’s judicial agent were deemed unfounded by the administrative court during a hearing on March 7. Despite the court ordering Guy-Hervé Kam’s release, the Burkinabe state’s appeal was not considered at that time.

Yesterday, the Ouagadougou Administrative Court of Appeal finally ruled in favor of the release of Guy-Hervé Kam. While the decision was anticipated, the activist’s lawyer remains in detention. However, there is hope that this time the Burkinabe authorities will abide by the court’s ruling and release Guy-Hervé Kam.

The case of this imprisoned activist once again raises concerns about the independence of justice and the respect for fundamental rights in Burkina Faso. Professor Yoporeka Somet, the national secretary of the SENS movement overseeing Pan-Africanism and the Diaspora, emphasizes that those responsible for such arbitrary actions will ultimately be held accountable. He draws a parallel with the case of the assassination of Thomas Sankara, where justice was delayed for over thirty years.

This case underscores the challenges faced by human rights defenders and activists involved in civil society in Burkina Faso. It highlights the significance of citizen mobilization and continuous vigilance to ensure the rule of law and individual freedoms are upheld.

In conclusion, the decision of the Ouagadougou Administrative Court of Appeal in the Guy-Hervé Kam case signifies a small victory for justice and human rights in Burkina Faso. We hope that this decision will be promptly enforced, and Guy-Hervé Kam will regain his freedom.

For more information on the Guy-Hervé Kam case and related topics, you can explore these articles for further insights: [G7 Meeting in Italy Condemnation of M23 Attacks in the DRC](https://eng.fatshimetrie.org/2024/04/24/g7-meeting-in-italy-condemnation-of-m23-attacks-in-the-drc-and-call-for-concerted-diplomatic-solutions/), [The Humanitarian Crisis in North Kivu: An Urgent Call for International Action](https://eng.fatshimetrie.org/2024/04/24/the-humanitarian-crisis-in-north-kivu-an-urgent-call-for-international-action/), and [The Fatshimetrie Revolution: A New Approach to Online Information Reliability](https://eng.fatshimetrie.org/2024/04/24/the-fatshimetry-revolution-a-new-approach-to-online-information-reliability/).

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