Reshaping the institutional system: Towards a more equitable and transparent budget

Home Politics Reshaping the institutional system: Towards a more equitable and transparent budget

Prime Minister Judith Suminwa is taking bold steps to reform the institutional budget system to promote fairness. With 67% of a massive $16 billion budget currently allocated to institutional expenses and only 5% directed towards social sectors, a drastic overhaul is imperative.

An alarming observation reveals that nearly a third of the budget caters to personnel costs, with a considerable portion going to leaders with extravagant salaries, leaving lower-level civil servants struggling on meager incomes of around $100 per month. It is crucial to redistribute resources to ensure social justice and equitable development.

Expert advice from the National Assembly advocates for a shift from an allocation budget to a program budget, allocating more than 80% of funds to development projects. This structural reform is vital to combat illicit enrichment among leaders and address the prevailing inequalities in the country.

In a time where transparency and accountability are paramount, Prime Minister Judith Suminwa’s decisive actions exhibit a strong political will to eliminate budgetary excesses and redirect public funds towards initiatives that benefit the entire population.

This transformation must be executed meticulously and inclusively, involving all relevant stakeholders and fostering constructive dialogue to ensure the success of transitioning to a fairer and more efficient budget model. This progressive approach paves the way for a better future, where every dollar invested contributes meaningfully to the collective well-being and balanced progress of society.

For more information, you can read the related article on the same subject from Fatshimetrie. And also check out the external article link on the same subject for additional insights: Media Congo.

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