President Tshisekedi’s commitment to competent governance of public services in the DRC

Home Politics President Tshisekedi’s commitment to competent governance of public services in the DRC

Most recently, “Fatshimetrie” shed light on the critical situation regarding the essential services in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The public companies, such as REGIDESO and SNEL, have faced strong criticism from the people due to significant dysfunctions. In response to these challenges, President Félix Tshisekedi has taken a stand to enhance the efficiency of these entities and improve citizens’ access to water and electricity.

During the latest Council of Ministers meeting, the Head of State emphasized the importance of implementing management practices that prioritize quality and performance within REGIDESO and SNEL. He stressed the principle of competence as a key criterion for the public officials working in these companies. President Tshisekedi highlighted the necessity of a transparent and fair selection process to ensure that only the most qualified individuals are appointed to positions of responsibility.

This initiative is grounded in the concept of meritocracy, which has already been applied in the appointment of the chairman of the board of directors and active officers. The President aims to extend this merit-based approach to non-active employees to further enhance the competence level within these crucial companies. The minister in charge of the portfolio has been tasked with overseeing the implementation of this reform by developing draft documents to institutionalize the practice of promoting talent.

By transitioning towards a more transparent and merit-driven management system, significant improvements are expected in the quality of services provided by REGIDESO and SNEL. By promoting competence and setting stringent selection criteria, the government is addressing the legitimate expectations of the populace and demonstrating a firm commitment to enhancing the living standards of the Congolese people. This marks the dawn of a new era for these public enterprises, placing a strong emphasis on excellence and performance in fulfilling their essential mandate for the nation.

For more information, you can also refer to other essential articles on our website:
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