Teachers’ strike in the Comoros: an impasse that compromises the future of education

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Teachers’ strike in the Comoros: an impasse that compromises the future of education

Teachers’ strike in the Comoros: the impasse persists

The strike of public teachers in the Comoros, which began on November 17, continues despite attempts to resolve the conflict. Teachers are demanding an increase in their salary scale in order to align their salaries with those of other professions already benefiting from the same law. Despite the offer of a new index scale from the government, the unions rejected this proposal, considering it insufficient. The government justifies this offer due to the country’s budgetary constraints.

Faced with the impasse, the teachers’ strike has even interfered in the presidential campaign which will take place on January 14. It has thus become an issue between the opposition and the power in place. The strikers believe that the government is making no effort to find a solution and say they are ready to continue the strike until their demands are met.

This protest movement poses serious problems for the education system in the Comoros. Last year’s results have already shown that the public school is in a state of disrepair. Many parents are forced to send their children to private schools due to lack of confidence in public schools. This situation tarnishes the image of national education and endangers the future of young Comorians.

During this electoral period, the opposition candidates all pointed the finger at this education crisis, but none proposed a concrete solution to get out of it. However, it is essential to put in place a recovery plan for public schools, in order to meet parents’ expectations and guarantee a better future for Comorian youth.

It is also important to emphasize that this strike does not only concern teachers, but also all education stakeholders. Students are the first victims of this crisis, deprived of their right to quality education.

It is therefore essential that the government and unions find common ground and work together to find a fair and lasting solution to this crisis. The revaluation of the index scale must be seriously examined, while taking into account the country’s budgetary constraints.

At the same time, it is necessary to invest more in public education in order to improve infrastructure and teaching conditions. It is also essential to train and supervise teachers to ensure quality education for students.

The teachers’ strike in the Comoros is therefore a hot topic that cannot be ignored. It is time for all stakeholders involved to mobilize and find concrete solutions to break this impasse and offer Comorian youth the best chance of success.

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