“A new military governor appointed to pacify and stabilize North Kivu in the Democratic Republic of Congo”

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“A new military governor appointed to pacify and stabilize North Kivu in the Democratic Republic of Congo”

Major General Peter Cirimwami recently took office as Interim Military Governor of the North Kivu province in the Democratic Republic of Congo. His appointment was officially announced during a ceremony in Goma, in the presence of senior officials from the public administration and the army.

This appointment comes in the context of the state of siege declared in the region, with the aim of pacifying and stabilizing the area. The Deputy Chief of General Staff of the armed forces expressed his confidence in the new governor, emphasizing his knowledge of the region and his ability to meet the challenges that arise.

In his speech, the Deputy Chief of General Staff also called on the population to support the army in this period of security crisis. He stressed the importance of promoting and supporting the national army, recalling that it is apolitical and that it works for the security and well-being of the population.

This appointment follows the emergency recall of General Constant Ndima, previous military governor of North Kivu, after the repression of an anti-MONUSCO demonstration which resulted in numerous victims. At the same time, a trial is currently underway in Goma, involving six soldiers from the Republican Guard, including two high-ranking officers.

This transition of power aims to strengthen security and stability in the region, with the aim of guaranteeing the protection of citizens and fighting against armed groups. The new governor is therefore called upon to play an essential role in these efforts, in collaboration with the armed forces and the public administration.

It is important to emphasize that the situation in North Kivu remains complex and requires special attention. The civilian population must be supported in this difficult period, and the authorities must commit to ensuring security, justice and development in the region.

In conclusion, the appointment of Major General Peter Cirimwami as Interim Military Governor of North Kivu is an important step in efforts to pacify and stabilize the region. However, challenges persist and collective action is necessary to ensure the safety and well-being of the population.

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