“The ineffectiveness of the EAC force calls into question the need to extend its mandate”

Home Politics “The ineffectiveness of the EAC force calls into question the need to extend its mandate”
“The ineffectiveness of the EAC force calls into question the need to extend its mandate”

The article under review raises concerns about the effectiveness of the Eastern African Community (EAC) force and questions the need to extend its mandate. According to Jules Vahikehya, secretary general of the Action des Volontaires pour la Relève Patriotique, the EAC did not achieve the objectives set and failed in its mission.

The author highlights the case of Rutshuru and Masisi, which would still be under the control of the M23 rebels despite the presence of the EAC for two years. He underlines the absence of schools, busy roads and the delay in the registration of candidates for the elections. According to him, this would testify to the failure of the EAC.

Jules Vahikehya expresses his dissatisfaction with the possibility of extending the mandate of the EAC. He feels that would be insulting because the organization would have failed to accomplish what it should have done. He also sees no point in replacing the EAC with the Southern African Community (SADC) force, seeing this as a simple change of players.

Instead, the author advocates the strengthening of DRC loyalist forces to fight against the M23 rebels. He also stresses the importance of passing the law on reservists and compulsory military training for young students, an idea already mentioned by the Minister of Higher and University Education.

This article highlights doubts and criticisms regarding the effectiveness of the EAC force and raises questions about the appropriateness of extending its mandate. It highlights the situation in the areas controlled by the M23 rebels and proposes alternatives to resolve the conflict. However, it would be interesting to have more information on the actual activities of the EAC and other opinions to have a more balanced perspective

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