The urgency of decisive action to preserve regional stability in Africa

Home International The urgency of decisive action to preserve regional stability in Africa

Kinshasa, July 2, 2024 (Fatshimetrie) – The Democratic Republic of Congo expresses its concerns about the lack of concrete responses from the African Union Peace and Security Council in the face of Rwandan aggression. During a speech in Cairo, on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of this crucial body, the Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Thérèse Kayikwamba Wagner, underlined the urgency of decisive action to preserve regional and continental stability .

In a world where sincerity and transparency are essential elements in the resolution of conflicts, the Congolese minister pointed out the apparent powerlessness of the AU PSC to enforce its decisions. This situation, according to her, only exacerbates tensions within the continent and compromises regional security.

She also deplores the lack of responsiveness of the PSC in the face of certain violations of the fundamental principles of the African Union. Although the body is quick to sanction member states in the event of an unconstitutional change of government, other transgressions do not receive the same speed, thus casting doubt on the credibility and effectiveness of the African Union in matters of maintaining peace and security.

Ms. Kayikwamba therefore calls on African leaders to show courage and engage in frank and sometimes difficult discussions to find lasting solutions to the many security challenges that persist on the continent. The values ​​of fraternity and unity should not be a pretext to avoid thorny issues, especially when the actions of Member States go against the principles defended by the African Union.

The Peace and Security Council, established in 2004 to prevent, manage and resolve conflicts in Africa, is crucial in the quest for lasting peace on the continent. However, its ability to impose binding decisions is called into question, especially in the face of persistent aggressions like those of Rwanda in eastern DRC. Despite calls for stronger action, few African states or organizations have so far taken concrete steps to counter these hostile acts and protect affected populations.

It is crucial that the African Union strengthens its commitment to peace and security, ensuring that the PSC has the necessary means to enforce its decisions and act effectively in all circumstances. The region’s stability depends on the ability of African leaders to overcome divisions and work together to preserve the security and well-being of all citizens on the continent.

In conclusion, coordinated and decisive action is essential to ensure a peaceful future for Africa. It is time for the continent’s leaders to step up their efforts to uphold the values ​​of the African Union and ensure the security and prosperity of all its citizens.

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