The rise of the rebels in North Kivu: a cry of alarm from the Secular Coordination Committee

Home International The rise of the rebels in North Kivu: a cry of alarm from the Secular Coordination Committee

North Kivu, a region at the heart of the news, once again finds itself in the spotlight for alarming reasons. The recent advance of the M23 rebels, accompanied by their RDF allies, arouses the indignation of the Secular Coordination Committee (CLC) which is sounding the alarm and calling on the Government for immediate and effective action.

In its press release published last Sunday, the CLC warns of the worsening security situation in the region and urges the authorities to take concrete measures on the operational, logistical and communications levels. This urgent request highlights the urgency of an appropriate government response to counter this growing threat.

The feared scenario of a possible coalition between the M23 rebels, the ADF and the armed group “ZAIRE” in the north of the country is a worrying prospect. Such an alliance could inflame the entire eastern part of the DRC, thus compromising the efforts made by the Government and its partners, notably MONUSCO.

In this tense context, the voice of Jackson Kitambala Walasa, head of the Secular Coordination Committee in North Kivu, resonates like an urgent call for action and vigilance. The security challenges in this region are crucial, and it is imperative to respond to them with determination and effectiveness to prevent an escalation of violence and conflicts.

The stability and security of the population of North Kivu are at stake, and it is the responsibility of the Congolese authorities to protect their citizens and guarantee a climate of peace and stability. Faced with this worrying situation, the mobilization of all the actors involved, both at the national and international level, is necessary to face this threat and preserve social cohesion in this tormented region.

In conclusion, the CLC’s call for action against the advance of the M23 rebels and their allies in North Kivu is a warning signal that should not be ignored. The security situation in this region requires an urgent and coordinated response to avoid an escalation of violence and protect the civilian population. It is essential that the Government and its partners take the necessary measures to ensure peace and security in this vulnerable region.

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