Investments in the army of the Democratic Republic of Congo: The strategic vision of President Tshisekedi

Home International Investments in the army of the Democratic Republic of Congo: The strategic vision of President Tshisekedi

**Investments in the army of the Democratic Republic of Congo: Vision and Commitment of President Tshisekedi**

The speech by President Félix Tshisekedi, on the occasion of the 64th anniversary of the independence of the Democratic Republic of Congo, marked a decisive turning point in the country’s security policy. During this solemn speech, the head of the defense and security forces announced massive investments to strengthen national security, a strong gesture intended to ensure the protection of the territory and Congolese citizens.

Taking stock of the legacy of independence and aware of the security challenges facing the nation, President Tshisekedi ordered a priority investment of 5% of the national budget in strengthening the army. This strategic decision aims to provide the Congolese armed forces with the necessary means to ensure the security of the country in an efficient and optimal manner.

The President underlined the crucial importance of this commitment to protect the borders and the Congolese populations. He praised the courage and dedication of the soldiers and members of the security forces who risk their lives to defend the homeland, calling for the unity and solidarity of all Congolese to promote peace and national cohesion.

In a context marked by alleged external aggression, the President was keen to recall the traditional hospitality of the DRC towards refugees, stressing that the country has always welcomed those fleeing conflicts in neighboring countries. He denounced the unfounded pretexts put forward by the hostile forces, affirming that the accusations made against the DRC were fallacious.

The refugee issue remains a major concern for the Congolese government, which is committed to treating this issue seriously, compassionately and diligently. President Tshisekedi stressed the need for frank and total cooperation with international organizations to resolve the humanitarian crisis and ensure the protection of displaced populations.

In conclusion, President Tshisekedi’s vision for national security is based on a firm commitment to the protection of the territory, respect for human rights and the promotion of peace. Investments in the army and security forces demonstrate its determination to consolidate the sovereignty and stability of the Democratic Republic of Congo, while working for a better future for all Congolese.

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