Exonerated: Nicolas Kazadi cleared in the Drilling and Street Lamps affair

Home Legal Exonerated: Nicolas Kazadi cleared in the Drilling and Street Lamps affair

**Official: Nicolas Kazadi, exonerated in the Drilling and Street Lamps affair**

In a recent affair that shook the corridors of power, the former Minister of Finance, Nicolas Kazadi, was the subject of accusations concerning alleged irregularities linked to Drilling and Street Lamps. However, after an in-depth investigation and multiple hearings, it was demonstrated that no tangible evidence incriminated Nicolas Kazadi in these controversial cases.

The main charge related to allegations of embezzlement and overcharging for drilling work. However, Nicolas Kazadi claimed to have acted in accordance with procedures and with the objective of reducing costs for the State. In fact, it even obtained a significant reduction in the unit cost of the works, thus demonstrating its desire to guarantee responsible financial management.

Concerning overbilling, Nicolas Kazadi clearly expressed his desire to see costs revised downwards and underlined the importance of a comparison with other similar projects financed by international partners. He refused to validate the payment of the second tranche until the rate of execution of the work was verified, thus demonstrating his concern for transparency and efficiency.

Regarding Lampadaires, Nicolas Kazadi’s involvement was marginal and the courts did not bring charges against him in this case. It was even pointed out that other stakeholders were responsible for the problems encountered by the contractor responsible for the work. Nicolas Kazadi has always acted within the law and sought to guarantee efficient use of public resources.

The outcome of this case not only demonstrates the integrity of Nicolas Kazadi, but also highlights the complexities of infrastructure projects and the need for rigorous management of public funds. This case also serves as a reminder of the importance of transparency and accountability in all government actions.

In conclusion, the innocence of Nicolas Kazadi in the Drilling and Lampposts affair is a strong signal in favor of justice and integrity in the political sphere. It is essential to learn lessons from this case to improve control procedures and ensure responsible financial management at all levels of governance.

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