Violent protests at AfD congress in Essen: call for peace and democracy

Home Politics Violent protests at AfD congress in Essen: call for peace and democracy

This Saturday, June 29, 2024 will be marked by tragic events in Essen, Germany, during the demonstrations which broke out on the sidelines of the Alternative for Germany (AfD) congress. Two police officers were brutally attacked and seriously injured by demonstrators, in an unacceptable and intolerable act of violence.

The incident took place near the Grugahalle, where the far-right party congress was taking place. The demonstrators, who came to express their opposition to the ideology of the AfD, degenerated into indiscriminate violence, causing serious injuries to the police. A total of 28 police officers were injured during these clashes, marking a worrying escalation of the situation.

Faced with this climate of tension and violence, it is essential to remember that democracy cannot be defended by violence. Interior Minister Nancy Faeser stressed the importance of democratic forces and peaceful protests to counter right-wing extremism and racism. No justification can legitimize such acts of violence, which only weaken the social and political fabric of society.

The tense atmosphere that reigned during this AfD congress reflects the rise in power of this far-right party in Germany. The AfD’s bellicose and anti-migrant rhetoric raises concerns about its political orientation and governance ambitions. The recent declarations of Tino Chrupalla, re-elected as head of the party, suggest a strong desire to gain power, both at the local and national level.

However, despite its electoral successes and its growing popularity, the AfD encounters resistance and opposition within the German political class. Other parties refuse to cooperate with the AfD, thus reinforcing the political isolation of the far-right party. The upcoming elections, particularly in the eastern German states, will be crucial in measuring the strength and real impact of the AfD in the German political landscape.

In conclusion, the tragic events that occurred in Essen during this AfD congress underline the need to preserve unity and democracy in the face of extremist speeches and acts of violence. German society must remain vigilant and united to defend the fundamental values ​​of tolerance, respect and peace.

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