The crucial relaunch of Congo Airways at the heart of concerns during the Council of Ministers in June 2024

Home Economy The crucial relaunch of Congo Airways at the heart of concerns during the Council of Ministers in June 2024

**The relaunch of Congo Airways at the heart of the debates during the June 2024 Council of Ministers meeting**

The question of the relaunch of Congo Airways, the national airline, was at the center of discussions during the third meeting of the Council of Ministers which was held on Friday June 28 under the chairmanship of Head of State Félix Tshisekedi in Palace of the Nation. The Deputy Prime Minister of Transport, Jean-Pierre Bemba, stressed the urgency for the Suminwa government to support the recovery plan for this public company.

This is a warning signal launched by Jean-Pierre Bemba to members of the Suminwa government, while Congo Airways risks losing its operating license by September. Indeed, due to lack of sufficient funds to strengthen its operational capacity, the company currently only has one leased aircraft whose contract is due to expire soon. In addition, it risks losing its approvals if it does not have an operational aircraft registered in the DRC by September 16, as highlighted by the Minister of Media and government spokesperson, Patrick Muyaya.

VPM Bemba’s intervention follows the directives of President Félix Tshisekedi during a previous meeting of the Council of Ministers to relaunch this strategic public enterprise. It is clear that the relaunch of Congo Airways is crucial for the development of the aeronautical sector in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The company, in addition to contributing to national and international connectivity, is a symbol of the country’s air sovereignty.

It is imperative that the government releases the necessary funds to allow Congo Airways to resume normal and sustainable operations. The revival of the company will not only benefit the company itself, but also the country’s economy as a whole. The authorities must act quickly and effectively to ensure the survival and smooth functioning of this vital airline.

In conclusion, the relaunch of Congo Airways should not be considered as an option, but as an absolute necessity. It is time for policymakers to take appropriate action to ensure a prosperous future for this iconic airline. Only decisive action and sustained commitment will enable Congo Airways to regain its full potential and continue to serve the Congolese people with efficiency and reliability.

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