Sexual violence alert in the Democratic Republic of Congo: the alarming report from May 2024

Home International Sexual violence alert in the Democratic Republic of Congo: the alarming report from May 2024

Fatshimetrie recently published an alarming report on conflict-related sexual violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo for the month of May 2024. The data reveals a worrying increase in cases, highlighting the vulnerability of women and children living in conflict zones. conflict.

During the month of May 2024, Fatshimetrie recorded 15 incidents of conflict-related sexual violence, involving a total of 42 victims – mainly women, with one man among them. This increase compared to the previous month raises major concerns about the protection of civilians in the context of armed conflict.

Detailed data indicates that this violence includes eight cases of individual rape, four cases of gang rape, two cases of rape followed by execution of the victims, and one case of forced nudity. It is essential to emphasize that armed groups are responsible for 90% of these atrocities, while state agents, notably the FARDC, are also involved in sexual violence against innocent victims.

The report highlights a particularly shocking incident involving the Mai-Mai Twa Apa na Pale, who committed mass rapes of internally displaced women in Tanganyika province. At least 14 women were victims of these horrors during a violent incursion into villages in the region. These barbaric acts underline the urgency of strengthening measures to protect civilians, particularly women and children, in conflict zones in the DRC.

It is imperative that the international community, local authorities and actors involved in conflict resolution redouble their efforts to put an end to this unbearable violence. Concrete measures must be put in place to guarantee the safety and dignity of vulnerable populations, and to bring to justice the perpetrators of these despicable acts.

In conclusion, it is essential to raise awareness of the seriousness of the situation and promote collective action to put an end to sexual violence linked to conflicts in the DRC. The protection of victims and the prevention of these crimes must be at the heart of the priorities of all actors involved, in order to build a safer and fairer future for populations affected by the conflict. The world cannot remain indifferent to such atrocities, and each of us has a duty to take a stand and support efforts to end this unacceptable violence.

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