Reconstruction and resilience: Derna’s new future

Home Ecology Reconstruction and resilience: Derna’s new future

The devastating floods that hit the city of Derna, located in eastern Libya, on the night of September 10-11, 2023, left behind a landscape of desolation. The tragic consequences of Storm Daniel and the failure of the dams led to the loss of thousands of human lives and plunged the region into chaos. Nine months after this tragedy, Derna begins a long process of reconstruction, with the aim of giving hope to its inhabitants and restoring its economic vitality.

The scene emerging today in Derna stands in stark contrast to the horror of past events. Children playing in the city’s redeveloped streets are a testament to the local community’s resilience in the face of adversity. The concrete carcasses and the remains of destroyed dams recall the violence of nature, but also the determination of the inhabitants to recover from this disaster.

Abdelkader, a member of the “Libyan National Army”, remembers the deafening noise of the collapse of the dams. His presence that night confronted him with the scale of the disaster and the need to rebuild on solid foundations. The challenges are numerous, but the desire to rebuild is stronger than ever.

The Derna reconstruction project is now in full swing. Construction equipment is working day and night to restore damaged infrastructure. Under the leadership of the Libyan Development and Reconstruction Fund, work is progressing at a brisk pace. Bridges, roads, schools, everything must be restored on time to allow life to return to normal.

Belkasem Haftar, at the head of this Fund, embodies the hope of a better future for Derna and for the entire country. His determination to breathe new life into the damaged neighborhoods demonstrates a rare political will in a context marked by dissension and conflict. Ongoing development projects pave the way for a more united and prosperous Libya.

The reconstruction of Derna is not limited to the rehabilitation of infrastructure. An entire social and economic fabric must be rebuilt to allow the city to regain its past splendor. Children’s play parks, renovated schools, universities under construction are all symbols of a renewal in progress.

In mid-June, hope is reborn in Derna. The inhabitants, like Mohamed and his children, find a smile again when they discover the changes made in their city. Reconstruction is progressing quickly, driven by the desire to rebuild a better future.

Thus, Derna will rise again, stronger and more beautiful than ever. The resilience of its population and the commitment of local authorities open the way to a promising future for this city battered by the elements. Reconstruction is not only material, it is also the reflection of a community coming together to build a future of peace and prosperity together.

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