Rebel advance in North Kivu raises fears for stability in Ituri region

Home International Rebel advance in North Kivu raises fears for stability in Ituri region

In the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo, the security situation continues to worry, particularly with the occupation of the rural commune of Kanyabayonga in North Kivu by M23 rebels. This progress raises major concerns within civil society and the active forces of the province of Ituri who fear a massive influx of displaced people from North Kivu.

The scale of the pre-existing humanitarian crisis in Ituri, with more than a million internally displaced people, makes this situation even more worrying. In a statement to the press, the president of civil society/forces vives, Dieudonné Lossa, expressed his fears about the impact of this rebel progression on the civilian population: “We imagine that, when this movement advances towards Butembo and Beni , the Congolese State must review its strategy to effectively counter the M23 rebels and their allies. »

Civil society coordination calls for firm action from the Congolese authorities to protect already vulnerable civilian populations in the Ituri region. Indeed, the question of security and protection of civilians is essential to guarantee the stability and well-being of local populations.

Faced with these major security challenges, it is imperative that the Congolese authorities take urgent measures to prevent any massive displacement of populations and ensure the safety of civilians in the region. It is essential to put in place an effective strategy to protect civilians and fight against armed groups in order to guarantee security and stability in eastern DRC.

In conclusion, the situation in the Ituri region remains worrying and requires an urgent and concerted response from the Congolese authorities and the international community to protect civilian populations and guarantee stability in the region.

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