Impact of climate change on the Ivorian economy: challenges and solutions for the future

Home Economy Impact of climate change on the Ivorian economy: challenges and solutions for the future

Impact of climate change on the Ivorian economy in 2023: the challenges to be met

In the year 2023, Côte d’Ivoire is showing encouraging economic results, with a growth rate of 6% well exceeding the world average and that of sub-Saharan Africa. This positive trend is supported by a significant drop in the poverty rate in the country. However, a recent World Bank report warns of the deleterious effects of climate change which could jeopardize this progress if adequate measures are not put in place.

According to Dr Herman Yohou, country economist at the World Bank, without concrete adaptation actions, Côte d’Ivoire risks losing up to 13% of its GDP by 2050, with an additional 1.3 million people plunged into poverty. poverty. These alarming figures underline the urgency for the Ivorian authorities to take effective measures to mitigate the impacts of climate change on the economy.

Aware of these challenges, Côte d’Ivoire is committed to mobilizing support funds to strengthen its resilience to the effects of climate change. A round table is planned for July to establish a resilience and sustainability fund to finance relevant projects aimed at mitigating the harmful consequences of climate on the Ivorian economy.

Nialé Kaba, Minister of Planning and Development, underlines the importance of maximizing the impact of poverty reduction by increasing agricultural productivity and strengthening human capital. These actions will not only help fight poverty, but also create a more resilient economic environment in the face of climate change.

In conclusion, while the Ivorian economy shows signs of prosperity, climate change represents a serious threat that requires a collective and proactive response. It is essential that Côte d’Ivoire implements robust strategies to mitigate the effects of climate on its economy and ensure sustainable development for future generations.

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