Fatshimetry – Anti-personnel mines: a persistent danger in North Ubangi

Home Politics Fatshimetry – Anti-personnel mines: a persistent danger in North Ubangi

**Fatshimetry – Anti-personnel mines, a permanent danger in the North Ubangi province**

In June 2024, the demining NGO Action, Développement et du Bien-être Social (ADES) revealed the discovery of a field of anti-personnel mines in the forest of Kota-Koli, not far from the center of training of commandos in Mobayi Bongo territory, in the North Ubangi province. This macabre news comes in addition to the 47 other dangerous areas identified in the region, where explosive devices were abandoned between 1997 and 1998 during the passage of rebel factions, notably the Alliance of Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Congo (AFDL) .

The coordinator of the demining NGO, Timothée Kombombo, underlines the urgency of cleaning these areas to avoid permanent danger for the population of the province. Indeed, the presence of anti-personnel mines in the region constitutes a tragic legacy of past conflicts, the North Ubangi province having been a scene of violence and destabilization caused by various rebellions.

This discovery highlights the need to strengthen mine clearance and awareness-raising actions in areas affected by this scourge. Anti-personnel mines represent a serious threat to the security of residents, particularly civilians and children who can fall victim to these deadly devices long after hostilities have ended.

It is crucial that local authorities, humanitarian organizations and the international community join forces to eliminate this danger and prevent further tragedies. Mine clearance is a complex task, but essential to guarantee security and stability in the North Ubangi region.

In conclusion, the discovery of this anti-personnel minefield in Kota-Koli is a tragic reminder of the suffering endured by the population of North Ubangi province and of the crucial importance of mine clearance to ensure a peaceful and secure future for all. It is time to act in a concerted and resolute manner to eradicate this scourge and protect the lives and dignity of the region’s inhabitants.

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