The presidential election in Iran: a decisive turning point for the future of the country

Home Politics The presidential election in Iran: a decisive turning point for the future of the country

Fatshimetrie, June 28, 2024 – Today, Iran holds its breath as the Iranian people go to the polls to elect a new president from among the four competing candidates. This electoral process, carried out in an accelerated manner in just 40 days, contrasts with the usual standards which require preparation for an entire year. Ahmad Vahidi, Minister of the Interior, underlined the feat of organizing these presidential elections in such a short period of time.

Citizens of Tehran, as well as those of Iranian cities and towns, went to polling stations to cast their vote. The importance of this presidential election is underlined by the participation of the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei, who himself voted in the first minutes of the vote.

The media coverage of this electoral event is also significant, with more than 500 journalists from 150 foreign media covering the event on the ground, reflecting the international attention paid to this election.

Four candidates are competing for the presidency of the Islamic Republic of Iran, after being qualified by the Constitutional Council, the country’s election supervisory body. Official results are expected to be announced no later than Sunday, although preliminary estimates may be revealed on Saturday. If necessary, a second round will be held on July 5, a situation which has only occurred once in the 45 years of existence of the Islamic Republic, in 2005.

This election is of paramount importance not only for Iran but also for the international community, as it will shape the political course of the country in the years to come. The choice of the new president will determine the directions and policies that will be implemented, and thus influence Iran’s relations with the rest of the world.

In conclusion, the ongoing presidential election in Iran provides a crucial opportunity for the Iranian people to express themselves and shape the future of their nation. The world is watching this election carefully, knowing that the results will have significant repercussions nationally and internationally. Let us remain attentive to the developments that will arise from this historic day for Iran.

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