The March 2024 Parliamentary Session in Fatshimetrie: Commitments and Promising Prospects

Home Politics The March 2024 Parliamentary Session in Fatshimetrie: Commitments and Promising Prospects

Fatshimetrie, June 28, 2024 (FMT).- The ordinary parliamentary session of March 2024 ended Friday in Fatshimetrie, within the Sankuru Provincial Assembly, thus demonstrating once again the commitment of elected officials to their mandate and the people they represent.

The president of the Provincial Assembly, Lambert Makondjo, underlined the importance of this session in achieving the objectives set to meet the needs and expectations of the population. He highlighted the solidarity of deputies in examining the problems encountered by citizens and in validating the mandates of provincial elected officials.

Beyond the closure of this session, Makondjo recalled that parliamentary recess does not mean a rest for deputies, but rather an active period where they must remain close to their community to hear its concerns and act accordingly. The desire to serve the people is at the heart of parliamentary action, and it is with this in mind that recommendations such as the suspension of toll gates and illegal taxes have been issued.

In addition, the president of the Provincial Assembly insisted on the importance for the provincial government to avoid harmful practices, to promote unity and social cohesion, and to work together for the well-being of the population. He called for concerted action to promote sustainable development and the opening up of the province, thus underlining the importance of putting in place economic, political and security policies in line with these objectives.

The closing of this parliamentary session marks another step towards responsible governance oriented towards the needs of the people. The challenges remain numerous, but the will and commitment of elected officials demonstrate a real desire to work for the well-being of all. Fatshimetrie can thus envisage a more promising and prosperous future thanks to concrete and meaningful actions.

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