Plea for unity and social cohesion in Lualaba

Home Sociocultural Plea for unity and social cohesion in Lualaba

**Fatshimetrie: Plea for unity and social cohesion in Lualaba**

The Lualaba caucus of national deputies recently expressed a strong plea for unity and social cohesion within their province. This statement echoes a crucial need for reconstruction and development for Lualaba, a region located in the southeast of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Alain Kantenga, president of the caucus of national deputies of Lualaba, stressed the importance of unity to preserve the common heritage of the province. According to him, solidarity and cooperation are essential to defend the interests of the people and support local authorities in their development efforts.

This approach of rapprochement initiated with the president of the provincial assembly, in the absence of the governor traveling, testifies to the desire of Lualaba deputies to strengthen institutional links and work together for the well-being of the population .

In a context marked by significant socio-economic challenges, the caucus of national deputies affirmed its commitment to supporting Governor Fifi Masuka Saini in her actions in favor of the emergence and development of the Lualaba province.

Elected officials also appealed to the population to actively engage with local authorities, promoting a culture of tolerance, dialogue and rejecting any form of division or discrimination. Unity and social cohesion are essential pillars for building a prosperous and harmonious future for the province of Lualaba.

In these times of profound change, it is imperative that political, economic and social actors mobilize around a common objective: sustainable and inclusive development of the territory. The plea from the Lualaba caucus of national deputies highlights the need for a collective vision and the implementation of coherent public policies to meet the needs of the population and guarantee a better future for all.

In conclusion, the message of solidarity and unity carried by the Lualaba deputies is a call for concerted action, civic responsibility and the construction of a more just and harmonious society. It is by uniting our strengths and our will that we will be able to overcome the challenges that face us and build a bright future for Lualaba and its inhabitants.

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