Historic appointment of a woman to head the cabinet of the governor of Kongo Central

Home Politics Historic appointment of a woman to head the cabinet of the governor of Kongo Central

Fatshimetrie, June 28, 2024 – A historic appointment has just marked the administration of the Kongo Central province in the Democratic Republic of Congo, with the appointment of a woman to head the new governor’s cabinet. Indeed, Ms. Anne Marie Tsasa Mbuzi was appointed chief of staff by a decree made public this Friday, thus marking a significant step forward towards equal representation of genders in the upper echelons of power.

This event demonstrates not only the recognition of Ms. Tsasa’s skills and experience, but also the new governor’s commitment to promoting positive masculinity, in accordance with the vision of President Félix Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo. With an impressive background in public administration and the country’s justice system, Ms. Tsasa brings to this position undeniable expertise and a deep understanding of the issues facing the province.

Former presiding judge of the Kinshasa/Gombe high court and member of the Council of State, Ms. Tsasa has already held ministerial positions within the provincial government, demonstrating her ability to take on varied and complex challenges. His experience as general secretary of the provincial government only strengthens his legitimacy to fully assume his new responsibilities.

The appointment of Ms. Tsasa Mbuzi as chief of staff to the governor of Kongo Central marks a significant turning point in the history of the province by paving the way for greater representation of women in the highest decision-making bodies. This appointment is a strong signal in favor of gender equality and the promotion of women in the political and administrative sphere, and it demonstrates the desire of the provincial authorities to promote talent and skills, regardless of gender.

In conclusion, the appointment of Ms. Anne Marie Tsasa Mbuzi is a step forward towards more inclusive and representative governance, and it raises hopes for a future where gender equality will be a tangible reality within the administration of the Kongo Central province.

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