Gender inequality within the provincial government of South Kivu in the DRC: a call to action

Home International Gender inequality within the provincial government of South Kivu in the DRC: a call to action

Fatshimetrie, June 28, 2024.

The persistent inequality between men and women within the provincial government of South Kivu in the Democratic Republic of Congo has sparked strong reactions from women’s organizations. Indeed, of the ten recently appointed provincial ministers, only two women have been appointed, while no woman holds the position of executive secretary. Such a regression in terms of parity worries and disappoints those who hoped for significant progress in this area.

Solange Lwashiga Furaha, executive secretary of the DRC Women’s Peace Caucus, expressed her deep disappointment at this situation. According to her, it is imperative to promote gender equality within decision-making bodies to ensure inclusive and balanced development. She emphasizes that it is not a question of favoring women to the detriment of men, but of recognizing and promoting the skills of individuals, whatever their gender.

The example of President Félix Tshisekedi, who appointed a woman as prime minister and strives to ensure balanced representation of women in central government, should serve as a model for provincial authorities. Indeed, the diversity of points of view and experiences within governing bodies is essential to ensure that all the needs and interests of society are taken into account.

The current composition of the provincial government of South Kivu, with less than 20% women among ministers and executive secretaries, contrasts sharply with the past situation, where almost half of the positions were occupied by women in 2007. This worrying development highlights the need to act quickly and proactively to promote gender equality in all spheres of society.

In conclusion, the fight for gender equality and the promotion of parity within governing bodies must be priority objectives to guarantee inclusive and sustainable development. It is time to put words into action and work together for a more just and equitable society for all. Fatshimetrie will remain attentive to the evolution of this situation and will continue to take a critical look at the policies and practices that impact the lives of citizens of South Kivu.

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