Demonstration at the French embassy in Ouagadougou: growing tensions between France and Burkina Faso

Home International Demonstration at the French embassy in Ouagadougou: growing tensions between France and Burkina Faso

Fatshimetrie, June 28, 2024 – A dense crowd gathered this Friday in front of the French embassy in Ouagadougou, capital of Burkina Faso, to express their demand for the relocation of the offices of the French diplomatic representation. At the initiative of the National Coordination of Citizen Watch Associations (CNAVC), hundreds of demonstrators chanted slogans hostile to France, proudly brandishing the Burkinabè and Russian flags.

The reason for this demonstration follows an ultimatum issued earlier in the month by the protesters, with a deadline of June 30. Ibrahim Kaboré, member of the CNAVC secretariat, underlined the importance of this citizen approach by highlighting the risks for the security of the Burkinabè authorities, in particular President Ibrahim Traoré, linked to the proximity of the French embassy and the Presidency of Faso.

Since the coup d’état that occurred in September 2022, marking the accession to power of Captain Ibrahim Traoré, relations between Paris and Ouagadougou have gradually deteriorated. The departure of the French ambassador Luc Hallade in January 2023 and that of the French army in February of the same year have already demonstrated this rupture. In May 2024, the Burkinabe government took the decision to suspend construction work at the residence of the French ambassador in Ouagadougou, citing a lack of authorization from the competent authorities.

This popular mobilization reflects existing tensions between the Burkinabè population and the French diplomatic presence, highlighting national security issues and political disagreements between the two countries. While the situation remains tense, the question of the security of the Burkinabè authorities remains at the heart of concerns, calling for a reassessment of bilateral relations.

In a global context where citizen movements are gaining momentum, this demonstration at the French embassy in Ouagadougou highlights the importance of the voice of the people in the diplomatic process. Current events underline the need for open and transparent dialogue between the Burkinabè and French authorities to ease tensions and guarantee the safety of all.

In this climate of contestation and uncertainty, the future of Franco-Burkinabe relations remains subject to crucial issues, where popular will and national interests confront each other, thus posing major challenges to overcome for both parties. What happens next will reveal how authorities and citizens choose to navigate this complex and delicate context.

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