A new beginning for Kasaï Oriental: Jean-Paul Mbwebwa’s call for harmony and action

Home Politics A new beginning for Kasaï Oriental: Jean-Paul Mbwebwa’s call for harmony and action

Fatshimetrie, June 27, 2024 – The call for harmony, solidarity and peace as the foundations of progress was launched during a popular rally on Boulevard Laurent-Désiré Kabila in Mbuji-Mayi by the new governor of Kasaï Oriental, located in the heart of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

In a speech imbued with responsibility and commitment, Jean-Paul Mbwebwa, newly elected governor, recalled the legacy left by the founding fathers of the province, such as Albert Kalonji Mulopwe. He stressed that cohesion and peace are essential elements to realize the full potential of the region. Stressing the importance of concord and cooperation, the governor called for an end to internal conflicts that hinder development, stressing that violence has no place in local culture.

Jean-Paul Mbwebwa also shared his vision for Kasaï Oriental, calling for the mobilization of all for a prosperous future. He invited the population to return to agriculture in order to guarantee food security and stimulate the local economy. By calling for a collective effort, the governor underlined the importance of everyone’s participation to make Kasaï Oriental a model of sustainable and equitable development.

Furthermore, Jean-Paul Mbwebwa firmly condemned the acts of vandalism which affected public property in the province. He called for the protection of these essential infrastructures for the well-being of the population, recalling that the preservation of the common heritage is everyone’s business.

As the new head of the provincial executive, Jean-Paul Mbwebwa is committed to organizing popular consultations to gather the expectations and needs of the community, with the aim of developing a concrete action plan in the short and medium and long term. He stressed the importance of transparency and accountability, pledging to regularly inform the population of the progress made.

Jean-Paul Mbwebwa, elected governor with an overwhelming majority, expressed his desire to work hand in hand with the population to make Kasaï Oriental a good place to live. His speech, resolutely focused on the future and collaboration, announces a new era of development and unity for the province.

In conclusion, Governor Jean-Paul Mbwebwa’s speech reflects an ambitious and inclusive vision for Kasai Oriental, highlighting values ​​of solidarity, peace and community engagement. Through its call for collective action and individual accountability, it lays the foundations for participatory and transparent governance, essential to ensure a prosperous future for the province.

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