A national employment policy for Congo: Protecting local workers and prioritizing the future

Home Economy A national employment policy for Congo: Protecting local workers and prioritizing the future

**A new employment policy in the Democratic Republic of Congo: a breath of protection and national priority**

At the heart of the Congolese political scene, a recent initiative by the Ministry of Employment and Labor, under the leadership of new arrival Ephraïm Akwakwa, marks a significant turning point in the management of the employment of foreign nationals on Congolese soil. During a working session with members of the National Commission for the Employment of Foreigners (CNEE), the minister announced a moratorium aimed at regulating the presence of foreign workers without a foreigner’s work card.

This measure, which gives employers sixty days to comply with documentation requirements for foreign workers, demonstrates a strong desire to protect the national workforce against unfair competition. Indeed, it is essential to guarantee Congolese workers fair conditions on the labor market, by promoting their access to available jobs.

Minister Akwakwa also insists on compliance with the rules concerning jobs reserved for nationals, authorized foreign employment quotas, the supervision of skills transfers, and the priority given to local citizens in recruitment. These principles are in line with the priorities set by President Félix Tshisekedi and Prime Minister Judith Suminwa Tuluka, for whom job creation constitutes the central pillar of their government action.

This approach is part of a broader vision aimed at strengthening the economic autonomy and employment of Congolese people, while ensuring that foreign human resources effectively contribute to the development and transfer of skills. By giving priority to the employment of nationals, the Congolese government is sending a strong signal of its desire to build a more inclusive and equitable economy.

Ultimately, this new employment policy in the Democratic Republic of Congo embodies an important step towards protecting local workers and promoting sustainable economic growth. By promoting a balanced distribution of employment opportunities and ensuring compliance with current standards, it paves the way for a fairer and more prosperous labor market for all stakeholders concerned.

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