The future of community media in the Democratic Republic of Congo: Fiscal issues and development prospects

Home International The future of community media in the Democratic Republic of Congo: Fiscal issues and development prospects

Fatshimetrie, June 21, 2024 – The recent development of press freedom laws in the Democratic Republic of Congo marked a major turning point for the country’s associative, community and faith-based media. In a recent workshop in Fatshimetrie, visionary strategies were proposed to encourage the government to improve the tax status of these essential information players.

Since the adoption of the new law in March 2023, granting legal recognition to associative and community media, a new phase has opened in the fight for a free and fair press in the DRC. However, the fiscal aspect remains a crucial issue for the sustainability of these media, which is why the workshop participants sought to formulate concrete strategies to raise government awareness of this issue.

Jean-Claude Lumisa, permanent secretary of the Federation of Local Radios of Congo (FRPC), underlined the importance of these strategies to initiate a constructive dialogue with national authorities. “Our objective is to advance our advocacy by proposing concrete measures that will encourage the government to improve the fiscal and parafiscal status of associative, community and faith-based media,” he declared.

Among the recommendations made during this workshop, the proposal to meet with various key stakeholders was widely supported. These include policy makers, religious leaders, local communities and representatives of civil society. These meetings would make it possible to expose the specific issues facing these media and to advocate for tax reform adapted to their reality.

A key element of this advocacy is the development of a memorandum requesting the reduction of taxes and royalties imposed on associative, community and faith-based media. It is crucial to emphasize that these media play an essential role in raising awareness and informing populations, particularly in rural and remote areas, where access to information is often limited.

Ultimately, the objective of these strategies is to foster an environment favorable to the sustainable development of associative media in the DRC. By reducing excessive tax burdens on these committed actors, the government could not only promote media diversity, but also strengthen democracy and access to information for all Congolese citizens.

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