The deployment of optical fiber in Kinshasa: towards a new digital era in the DRC

Home International The deployment of optical fiber in Kinshasa: towards a new digital era in the DRC

The development of digital infrastructure has become a crucial issue in many countries, and the Democratic Republic of Congo is no exception. The agreement signed on June 26 between the Agency for Steering, Coordination and Monitoring of Collaboration Agreements (APCSC) and the Société Congolaise de Fiber Optique (SOCOF) for the installation of an optical fiber in Kinshasa represents progress major in this area.

Optical fiber has become a key pillar of digital connectivity, offering faster connection speeds and higher data transmission capacity than traditional technologies. By committing to deploy optical fiber on each rehabilitated or reconstructed artery in Kinshasa, APCSC and SOCOF are laying the foundations of a solid and sustainable digital infrastructure for the Congolese capital.

The advantages of optical fiber are multiple. By providing high-speed Internet access throughout the country, it will help reduce the digital divide by allowing a greater number of citizens to access online services, distance education and teleworking. It will also promote the development of the national economy by facilitating trade and stimulating innovation in digital sectors.

The involvement of the Congolese authorities in this project demonstrates their desire to place digital technology at the heart of the country’s development. The support of the Minister of Posts and New Technologies of Information and Communication, Augustin Kibasa, and of Félix Tshisekedi’s advisor on the matter, Freddy David Lokaso, is a strong signal of the importance given to digital transformation in the DRC .

Beyond its economic benefits, the installation of optical fiber in Kinshasa also has a strategic dimension in terms of regional and global integration. By equipping itself with an efficient digital infrastructure, the DRC is strengthening its position on the international scene and promoting its active participation in the global digital economy.

In conclusion, the agreement between APCSC and SOCOF for the deployment of optical fiber in Kinshasa marks an important step in the modernization of digital infrastructure in the Democratic Republic of Congo. This ambitious project paves the way for a promising digital future for the country, promoting access to high-speed Internet, economic diversification and regional integration.

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