The controversial seizure of the Rwabank head office in Kinshasa

Home Economy The controversial seizure of the Rwabank head office in Kinshasa

Fatshimetrie, June 27, 2024 – The capital of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Kinshasa, has been the scene of a resounding legal case in recent days. Indeed, the head office of Rwabank, located on Avenue Colonel Lukusa n°18/66 in the commune of Gombe, was seized for non-payment of a debt, in accordance with an order issued by the labor court from Boma.

According to the information collected, the property seizure was carried out on June 19, 2024, under the order bearing number RAUT n°098 of June 7, 2024. This decision ordered Rwabank to pay a sum of more than 1,850,000 USD to Mr. Mfuamba Ilunga Albert, creditor of the bank. Despite this court decision, Rwabank refused to pay its debt, thus leading to the legal seizure of its head office.

Mr. Mfuamba’s lawyer, Mr. Ntumba Mukendi Mpunga, stressed that the seizure was carried out regularly by the bailiff Mr. Richard Kanda, in accordance with the order for the purposes of seizure notified to the Rwabank and the Conservatory real estate titles in Gombe. This procedure falls within the framework of OHADA law, governing the processing of commercial affairs in Africa.

Faced with Rwabank’s inability to settle its debt, Mr. Mfuamba is now considering putting the seized building up for sale at auction, in order to recover the amount owed to him. The details of the sale, as well as the related conditions, will be set out in specifications which will be filed with the Kinshasa/Gombe labor court.

In the interest of transparency, Me. Ntumba Mukendi ensured that all legal procedures were respected, by submitting the full content of the command for seizure to the competent authorities. This case illustrates the importance of respecting court decisions and demonstrates that creditors have the right to recover what is owed to them, even at the cost of coercive measures such as property seizure.

In conclusion, the seizure of the Rwabank head office in Kinshasa for non-payment of debt raises questions about the responsibility of financial institutions to honor their contractual obligations. This case highlights the importance of respecting court decisions and rigorous debt management to maintain a healthy and fair business environment.

Thus ends this story on the background of the seizure of the Rwabank headquarters, a significant event in the financial landscape of the DRC.

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