Scenes of celebration among finalists of the State Exam in the DRC: Between legitimate joy and potential excesses

Home Sociocultural Scenes of celebration among finalists of the State Exam in the DRC: Between legitimate joy and potential excesses

Scenes of rejoicing among finalist students in the State Examination in the Democratic Republic of Congo

The State Examination is a crucial stage in the lives of Congolese students, marking the end of their secondary school career. For decades, the closing of this event has been synonymous with celebrations and moments of joy for the finalists. However, these festivities have sometimes degenerated, leading to irresponsible behavior and regrettable incidents.

The streets of Kinshasa, the capital of the Democratic Republic of Congo, have been the scene of sometimes excessive scenes, where some finalists tear their uniforms even before the results are published, signaling the end of their secondary school years. Motorized caravans invade the streets, bistros and drinking establishments, sometimes leading to accidents, violence and even sexual assaults.

Faced with this drift, the authorities decided to intervene. The Kinshasa provincial police commissioner took strict measures prohibiting demonstrations of joy on public roads and access to drinking establishments for finalist students. This decision aims to guarantee public order and preserve good morals.

This ban was also relayed by the military governor of North Kivu, emphasizing the need to put an end to this inappropriate behavior which risks degenerating into acts of juvenile delinquency.

This year, the 58th edition of the State Examination mobilized nearly a million students through more than 2,800 testing centers. This crucial moment in the lives of young Congolese deserves to be celebrated in a responsible manner and respectful of social standards.

It is essential that finalists are able to express their legitimate joy in a controlled and respectful manner, thus avoiding any slippage that could endanger the safety and integrity of people.

In conclusion, the closing of the State Examination must be a moment of pride and celebration for the finalist students, but while respecting the rules and values ​​of society. It is up to everyone to demonstrate responsibility and maturity so that this important stage takes place with serenity and dignity.

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