Round table on entrepreneurship and mining in the DRC: A strategic collaboration between France and the Democratic Republic of Congo

Home Round table on entrepreneurship and mining in the DRC: A strategic collaboration between France and the Democratic Republic of Congo

Fatshimetrie, June 27, 2024 (Fatshimetrie News) – Fatshimetrie was recently the scene of a round table of capital importance, focused on the mining and entrepreneurship sectors, organized within the framework of cooperation between the Republic Democratic Republic of Congo and France. A strategic event which aroused the interest and active participation of many actors involved in the economic and social development of the country.

This meeting, led by the “Initiative Construire Ensemble” (ICEN) platform, highlighted essential issues for the future of the DRC. With a focus on mines and entrepreneurship, the aim was to provide concrete responses to current challenges, while providing a platform for expression and support for young people, real drivers of change and progress for the country.

Thierry Bakwachilela, ICEN coordinator, underlined the importance of strengthening future cooperation between France and the DRC. This dynamic partnership aims to promote sustainable development, promote local entrepreneurship and encourage the development of Congolese youth, the keystone of any future project for the country.

Through this initiative, ICEN is committed to supporting the initiatives of young Congolese in areas as varied as culture, environment and democracy. By facilitating exchanges between French and Congolese experts, this platform aims to nourish a spirit of innovation, creativity and excellence among Congolese youth, a true breeding ground of talent and potential.

Andi Lwenye, communications manager at the French Institute of Lubumbashi, rightly recalls the importance of meetings between young Africans and French President Emmanuel Macron during the France-Africa summit in 2021. These moments of exchanges and commitments laid the foundations for a fruitful collaboration between the two countries, which will be strengthened and sustained over time.

The round table, entitled “Promoting Katangese entrepreneurship, product made in Katanga”, brought together three quality speakers: Jenny Munyongamayi, ICEN focal point, Thierry Bakwachilela, coordinator of the platform, and Andi Lwenye, representative of the French Institute of Lubumbashi. These experts, through their expertise and passion, were able to convey a strong message of hope and confidence in the future, by promoting the entrepreneurial potential of Haut-Katanga and opening new prospects for development and growth.

In short, this round table was an opportunity to highlight initiatives that bring hope and optimism for the future of the DRC. By encouraging local entrepreneurship, promoting youth and strengthening ties with France, it has laid the foundations for a rich and fruitful collaboration, serving the sustainable and harmonious development of the country.. A beautiful illustration of the commitment and determination of all stakeholders involved in building a better future for the Democratic Republic of Congo.

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