A solid partnership for the future of Ituri: the Provincial Assembly is committed to harmonious development

Home International A solid partnership for the future of Ituri: the Provincial Assembly is committed to harmonious development

Fatshimetrie, June 27, 2024 (ACP). A strong commitment to cooperation and development of Ituri province was made during a meeting between the Provincial Assembly and the provincial executive. With determination, the members of the Assembly affirmed their desire to work in perfect harmony with the governor, thus putting aside any hint of conflict or division within provincial institutions.

For the sake of effective collaboration, the rapporteur of the Provincial Assembly, Pelé Kaswara, underlined the importance of a constructive relationship between the two entities. He made it clear that the objective was not to oppose the governor, but to work together for the well-being of the province. While recalling that individual declarations do not represent the collective opinion of the Assembly, he insisted on the need for coherent and concerted management to ensure the development of Ituri.

During this audience, the final office of the Provincial Assembly was presented to the governor, thus symbolizing the start of a fruitful collaboration. The two institutions, complementary in their role in managing the province, are committed to working hand in hand to meet the challenges and meet the needs of citizens.

Furthermore, the question of refractory armed groups was addressed. Pelé Kaswara called for an immediate end to violence against civilian populations, stressing the need to preserve human dignity. Questioning those responsible for these acts of violence, he questioned their motivation, highlighting the absurdity of their murderous actions.

In conclusion, the commitment of the Ituri Provincial Assembly to collaboration with the provincial executive marks an important step towards a more stable and prosperous future for the region. By emphasizing the need for concerted governance and collective action, political actors in the province are showing their determination to overcome obstacles and together chart a path towards sustainable development and peace.

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