The determination of Judith Suminwa: a new hope for South Kivu

Home International The determination of Judith Suminwa: a new hope for South Kivu

On this milestone day of June 25, 2024, Prime Minister Judith Suminwa visited South Kivu to address the pressing challenges plaguing the province. Surrounded by her ministers, she chose Bukavu as the gathering place, taking advantage of the closing ceremony of the MONUSCO office to address the local population.

In a speech marked with determination, Judith Suminwa promised concrete solutions to crucial problems such as insecurity, the lack of road and school infrastructure which hamper the daily lives of the inhabitants of South Kivu. Her position as a woman, mother and grandmother gives her a particular sensitivity to these social issues, which she is committed to addressing with seriousness and commitment.

The local population, accustomed to broken political promises, expressed their expectations of the Prime Minister. She ardently hopes that words will be transformed into concrete actions, that commitments will come to fruition to truly improve their quality of life. The inhabitants of South Kivu are thirsty for change, for palpable and lasting progress.

To prove her good faith, Judith Suminwa has already taken immediate measures by helping the victims of the fire in the Nyamugo district, thus demonstrating her desire to act quickly and effectively in the face of the crises affecting her province. Her commitment is also reflected in field visits, where she inspects the construction sites of crucial roads such as Bukavu-Nyangezi-Ngomo and Bukavu-Walungu-Mwenga, showing her determination to transform promises into tangible actions.

The challenge facing Judith Suminwa and her government is significant, but the population of South Kivu is ready to support these initiatives which could finally bring the long-awaited changes. Hope is high, expectations are high, but the determination of the Prime Minister is breathing new life into this region in search of progress and development. It’s up to her to transform this momentum into concrete and lasting results for the well-being of all.

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