Rwanda: Massive deployment of troops in North Kivu in the DRC: What objectives and what consequences?

Home International Rwanda: Massive deployment of troops in North Kivu in the DRC: What objectives and what consequences?

Fatshimetrie recently published alarming information reported by the Canadian media “Globe and Mail”: Rwanda would have deployed nearly 4,000 soldiers equipped with modern weapons in the province of North Kivu in the Democratic Republic of Congo. This massive presence of Rwandan troops raises many questions about its objectives and its consequences on regional stability.

According to information provided by the UN and relayed by Fatshimetrie, these 4,000 Rwandan soldiers could even outnumber the M23 rebel militia that they support. This military deployment has the presumed aim of controlling the city of Goma and extending their influence over several other cities and towns in the surrounding area. Rwandan soldiers have taken up positions on strategic hills around Saké, just 25 kilometers from Goma, raising fears of an escalation of tensions in the region.

This alarming UN report, although not officially published, was transmitted to the Security Council during the month of June 2024, thus highlighting the urgency of the situation. Rwanda’s direct involvement in the conflict in the DRC risks exacerbating violence and worsening the already precarious situation in this region ravaged by armed conflicts.

It is imperative that the international community take urgent measures to defuse the crisis in eastern DRC, ensuring that the rights of civilian populations are protected and that the sovereignty of the Congolese state is respected. Diplomatic pressure on Rwanda must also be intensified in order to prevent any spillover and promote a peaceful and lasting resolution of tensions in the region.

In conclusion, the current situation in North Kivu is worrying and requires concerted and rapid action from the international community to avoid an escalation of the conflict and protect innocent civilian populations trapped in the violence.

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