Reflection on Life Expectancy in Kinshasa: Health and Socio-economic Issues

Home Ecology Reflection on Life Expectancy in Kinshasa: Health and Socio-economic Issues

Fatshimetrie: Analysis of Life Expectancy in Kinshasa

For decades, global life expectancy has increased steadily, but disparities persist at the regional level. Looking at the city-province of Kinshasa, recent data raises concerns about a reduction in life expectancy at birth, highlighting crucial public health and socio-economic issues.

The evolution of life expectancy in Kinshasa presents a worrying trend, going from 63.75 years in 2010 to 58.71 years in 2021, thus representing a loss of 5.04 years over this period. This situation invites us to question the factors underlying this worrying turnaround. Among the main challenges faced in the region, infectious diseases such as malaria, HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and violent childhood illnesses such as diarrhea and pneumonia play a leading role. The incidence of malaria in Kinshasa has increased significantly, while HIV/AIDS remains a major challenge, particularly due to the low rate of condom use and the lack of early detection. This situation contributes to an increase in cases of co-infection, increasing the risk of mortality.

Beyond its health significance, this reality also impacts the economic and social fabric of the population. Infectious diseases sometimes generate unsustainable health costs for households, which, coupled with loss of income due to the inability to work, reinforces the vicious circle of poverty and ineffective health services. The weakness of social protection systems in Kinshasa aggravates this dynamic, leaving a significant part of the population in alarming precariousness.

Furthermore, economic data reveal a contrasting picture of the lives of Kinshasa residents. Despite a significant contribution to the national GDP, the city remains faced with a high unemployment rate and precarious working conditions, particularly for domestic jobs. This precariousness is reflected in the high prevalence of childhood malnutrition, directly impacting the overall life expectancy of the population.

In short, the analysis of life expectancy in Kinshasa highlights a set of interconnected challenges, combining public health, socio-economic and governance issues. The need for concerted action by local authorities, health actors and civil society appears urgent to reverse this trend and improve the living conditions of the inhabitants of the Congolese capital..

This reflection underlines the importance of a holistic and inclusive approach to guarantee sustainable and equitable development in Kinshasa, while emphasizing the urgent need to invest in preventive health and social protection policies to improve life expectancy. and the well-being of the population.

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