Plan for stabilization and improvement of the electricity supply in Kisangani, DRC: Towards a brighter future

Home International Plan for stabilization and improvement of the electricity supply in Kisangani, DRC: Towards a brighter future

**Fatshimetrie: Stabilization plan and improvement of the electricity service in Kisangani, DRC**

The province of Tshopo, located in the northeast of the Democratic Republic of Congo, faces major challenges in terms of electricity service. It is in this context that the plan to stabilize and improve the service to Kisangani falls, which was recently the subject of discussions between the Director General of the National Electricity Company (SNEL) and a delegation local elected officials.

During these discussions, the Director General of SNEL highlighted the different facets of this plan, highlighting the funding available such as the Special Fund for reparation and compensation for victims of Uganda’s armed activities in DRC (Frivao), Enabel and the French Development Agency (AFD). Through this funding, efforts are being made to stabilize and improve Kisangani’s electricity supply.

As part of this plan, several concrete actions are envisaged. It is planned in particular to reassemble turbine number 1 thanks to funding from Enabel, to purchase a wheel for the power plant thanks to funds from Frivao, and to rehabilitate the dilapidated Tshopo network. These initiatives ultimately aim to ensure more stable and efficient electricity service in the region.

Local elected officials, aware of the challenges of this plan, are committed to supporting SNEL in its approach to improve the situation. Their common objective is to guarantee reliable access to electricity for the population of Kisangani. They stressed the importance of installing prepayment meters, improving public lighting and making the investments made profitable, with a view to sustainable development and progress for the region.

In conclusion, the plan to stabilize and improve electricity supply to Kisangani demonstrates the desire of the authorities and local stakeholders to work for the well-being of the inhabitants of the province of Tshopo. By combining their efforts and mobilizing the necessary resources, they are paving the way for a brighter future for the region, where electricity will become a real engine of development and prosperity.

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