Grandiose spectacle in preparation: The Paris Olympic Games on the Seine

Home Sports Grandiose spectacle in preparation: The Paris Olympic Games on the Seine

As preparations for the Summer Olympic Games in Paris have now entered their final phase, the spectacle promises to be grandiose. A dress rehearsal on the Seine brought together dozens of boats, offering a masterful preview of what awaits the public at the opening ceremony, just 39 days before the event.

The flagship event of the Games, the parade of delegations on more than 80 boats on the Seine, promises to be as spectacular as it is memorable. The parade will drift slowly from east to west, passing from bridge to bridge, stretching six kilometers from the Pont d’Austerlitz to the Pont d’Iéna. With the sunset and the glow of the moon reflecting on the river, the grandiose opening ceremony of the Paris Olympic Games will last almost four hours, transporting spectators into a world of dreams and sporting challenge.

Despite concerns over security, preparations continue unabated. Ceremonies executive Thierry Reboul claimed the unprecedented outdoor event was still on the agenda, with no contingency plans being prepared at this stage. “As you can see here, there is the Seine and boats, so it looks a lot like Plan A. This is indeed the one we are working on and training on, as you have seen today” , said Reboul optimistically.

Since the terrorist attacks of 2015, reinforced security measures are regularly put in place during major events. During the ceremony on the Seine, several bridges will gradually be closed to traffic to guarantee the safety of participants and spectators.

A final dress rehearsal is planned before the opening ceremony on July 26, to fine-tune the details and offer a show that meets the expectations of the whole world. The Paris Olympic Games promise not only to be an exceptional sporting event, but also a celebration of culture and global unity, a moment when the whole world comes together to celebrate sporting excellence and diversity. .

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