Florimond Muteba of ODEP: Crucial debate on salary reforms for national deputies in the DRC

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**Florimond Muteba of ODEP opposes salary reforms for national deputies: A debate on transparency and financial accountability in the DRC**

When the salary reforms of national deputies in the Democratic Republic of Congo are the subject of heated discussions, the voice of Florimond Muteba, President of the Board of Directors of the Public Expenditure Observatory (ODEP), resonates with firmness. In a country where transparency and financial accountability are crucial issues, Mr. Muteba’s statements raise essential questions about the management of public resources and the integrity of institutions.

The debate intensified following Vital Kamerhe’s remarks concerning the new emoluments of national deputies, announcing a salary of 14 million Congolese francs, or more than 5,000 dollars. If these figures are impressive, Florimond Muteba warns against a simplistic approach to the question. According to him, it is necessary to thoroughly review what is included in the 2024 finance law to make these salary reforms a reality.

For Mr. Muteba, Vital Kamerhe’s laudable intentions must be supported by concrete actions, requiring a collective budget and an effective modification of the financial law in force. He emphasizes that words alone are not enough to transform the country’s economic reality, and that any reform must be anchored in a pragmatic and transparent approach. The ODEP therefore firmly contests Vital Kamerhe’s proposals, calling for in-depth reflection and responsible decision-making.

Beyond the question of MPs’ salaries, this debate highlights broader issues linked to the management of public finances in the DRC. Transparency, integrity and accountability are fundamental principles that must guide the actions of political decision-makers and civil society actors. Florimond Muteba embodies this requirement for accountability, defending a rigorous and ethical approach in the management of state resources.

In conclusion, the debate on salary reforms for national deputies in the DRC reveals the need for responsible and transparent financial governance. The words of Florimond Muteba of ODEP highlight the challenges and issues that accompany any economic reform in a development context. It calls for in-depth and collective reflection to guarantee the integrity and credibility of public institutions, and to ensure a better future for all Congolese citizens.

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