The persistent threat from the Allied Democratic Forces in Ituri: Call for vigilance and solidarity

Home International The persistent threat from the Allied Democratic Forces in Ituri: Call for vigilance and solidarity

Security remains a major concern in Ituri province, in the Democratic Republic of Congo, where the presence of Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) fighters continues to sow terror. The Convention for the Respect of Human Rights (CRDH) in Mambasa recently launched an alert concerning the activity of the ADF west of Biakato, in the territory of Mambasa. According to information relayed by the CRDH, these terrorist groups could head towards the neighboring Baswagha-Madiwe group, in the Beni territory, in North Kivu.

This alarming situation has revived fears among the local population, already affected by the recent attacks perpetrated by these same armed groups. Rams Malikidogo, rapporteur for CRDH Mambasa, stressed the need for residents to remain vigilant and work closely with security forces. “Enemy activity persists in Baswagha-Madiwe, and it is crucial that any information that could help counter these threats is communicated to authorities in real time,” he stressed.

The latest ADF incursions into the villages of the Baswagha-Madiwe group, Beni-Mbau sector, have left deep scars. Hundreds of civilians have lost their lives in these attacks, and many more are missing, leaving behind devastated families and traumatized communities.

Faced with this critical situation, it becomes imperative to strengthen security systems in the region, while actively involving the population in the fight against terrorism. Coordination between different actors, whether local or national, is essential to effectively counter the threat posed by armed groups such as the ADF.

In these troubled times, everyone’s solidarity and vigilance are precious weapons in the quest for lasting peace and security stability in the Ituri region. The challenge is great, but unity and determination can make the difference and help preserve the lives and dignity of local populations in the face of the barbarity of terrorist groups.

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