Strengthen the armed forces to counter the terrorist threat in South Kivu

Home International Strengthen the armed forces to counter the terrorist threat in South Kivu

In the current context of the South Kivu province, the issue of security remains crucial and worrying. Recent statements from the South Kivu civil society coordination office call for a strengthening of the armed forces to counter the threat of M23 terrorists in the region, particularly in the Kalehe territory.

The analysis of the situation highlights the devastating impact of the attacks perpetrated by members of the M23, which caused considerable human losses and material destruction. The areas of Minova, Lumbishi and Numbi are affected daily by violent attacks, endangering the lives of the region’s inhabitants.

Civil society in South Kivu highlights the need to strengthen the armed forces, particularly the FARDC and the Wazalendo, to face this growing threat. It is imperative that the government invests in the defense of the homeland and takes urgent measures to protect the population against attacks by terrorist groups.

Faced with the urgency of the situation, it is essential that all stakeholders work together to ensure the safety of the inhabitants of South Kivu. Citizens should remain vigilant and report any suspicious movements to the relevant authorities to prevent further attacks.

The presence of “fake Wazalendo” in the region also poses an additional threat, endangering the lives of civilians and armed forces. It is crucial that these elements are identified and neutralized to restore peace and security in the region.

In conclusion, the situation in the South Kivu province is alarming and requires immediate and concerted action. The strengthening of the armed forces, collaboration between the different actors and the vigilance of the population are essential to counter the threat of terrorists and ensure the security of all. It is time to act decisively to preserve peace and stability in the region.

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