Raising awareness of the importance of environmental cleanliness in Kisangani

Home Ecology Raising awareness of the importance of environmental cleanliness in Kisangani

In the vibrant city of Kisangani in the Democratic Republic of Congo, an innovative and crucial initiative has been launched to raise awareness about the importance of environmental cleanliness. Monsignor Léonard Ndjadi Ndjate, auxiliary bishop of the archdiocese of Kisangani, took the initiative of leading an awareness campaign in collaboration with the diocesan office for ecological pastoral care.

This evangelical action highlights the urgency of preserving our environment for better health and quality of life. Indeed, through the collection of biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste at the central market of Kisangani, Monsignor Ndjadi Ndjate and his team demonstrated their commitment to the preservation of the local ecosystem and the fight against unsanitary conditions.

It is undeniable that Kisangani, once renowned for its cleanliness, today faces a real challenge in terms of waste management. Plastic waste litters the streets and gutters, endangering the health of residents and the natural beauty of the city. This awareness campaign therefore aims to remind everyone of the importance of their role in preserving the environment.

This initiative is also part of a proactive approach aimed at raising awareness among local authorities of the urgency of investing more in the city’s sanitation. By pleading for concrete measures in favor of better waste management, Monsignor Ndjadi Ndjate wishes to mobilize all stakeholders around this common challenge.

By creating the diocesan office for ecological pastoral care, the archdiocese of Kisangani demonstrates its desire to perpetuate this action in favor of the environment. This structure dedicated to environmental awareness and education should play a key role in the adoption of green and sustainable actions within the community.

In short, this awareness campaign led by Monsignor Ndjadi Ndjate and his team is a call to action for all citizens of Kisangani. Together, by adopting responsible behavior in terms of waste management and valuing our environment, we can work towards a more sustainable and healthier future for future generations. It is now up to us to answer this call and make Kisangani a clean and welcoming city for all.

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