Kogi State Governor surprises civil servants with advance salaries and aid for Eid-el Kabir

Home Economy Kogi State Governor surprises civil servants with advance salaries and aid for Eid-el Kabir

As part of the Eid-el Kabir celebrations, the governor of Kogi State surprised many of his officials with an unexpected gesture. For the first time, employees received their June salaries in advance, accompanied by distributions of food and other aid. This laudable initiative was welcomed with joy and gratitude by state workers.

Several civilians expressed their gratitude to the governor for this generous gesture which will allow them to fully enjoy the Eid festivities. Hajiya Fatima Baba, a civil servant, stressed the importance of this salary advance and the distribution of food aid, calling them a real blessing. Alhaji Bala Adejoh also hailed the governor for the initiative which brought him great relief, saying that being able to receive his salary before the celebration is a boon.

Governor Yahaya Bello was quoted as saying that this advance payment of salaries and distribution of food aid was part of his administration’s efforts to ensure the welfare of citizens. He promised to continue to give top priority to the well-being of workers, retirees and all residents of the state.

This action is a continuation of the reforms initiated by the previous government to clean up the civil service system, particularly with regard to the regular payment of salaries. Since 2017, the government has committed to paying salaries between the 25th and 27th of each month, a policy maintained by the current administration. The objective is to guarantee financial stability to workers and retirees, with the aim of offering them dignified living conditions and ensuring their well-being.

In conclusion, this proactive response by the Kogi governor to the needs of his constituents during this festive period demonstrates his commitment to the social and economic development of the state. By paying particular attention to workers and the most vulnerable citizens, it lays the foundations for inclusive and supportive governance, where everyone can celebrate the festivities with dignity and serenity.

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